Leba III Dental Care - Dental Spray with Dropper - 1 oz
$79.97 $84.97
LEBA III balances the chemistry of the mouth keeping the teeth clean and healthy
for the entire life of your pet, without side effects.
The key to a long healthy life is balance.
Products that kill the bacteria have an antibiotic action, damaging the environment of the mouth.
The safety and efficacy of LEBA III was proven by a renowned university
and has been used by veterinarians since 1994.
Keep Leba III at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
Give pet no water, no food or anything that could dilute Leba III,
1/2 hr before and 1/2 hr after treatment. Prevent grooming after
treatment so that Leba III will remain in the mouth.
For best results use no other dental products while using Leba III.
If you wish to brush your pet's teeth use only water on the toothbrush.
Spray Leba III in the pet's mouth,on the tongue area. Leba III will mix with the saliva,
and all the teeth and gums will receive treatment.
- pets under 22kg/50lbs : 1 spray per treatment
- pets over 22kg/50lbs : 2 sprays per treatment
To clean teeth initially give treatments twice a day, morning and night. It will
take more or less time depending on the breed, age and genetics. You should see
improvement in 4 to 6 weeks but continue twice a day until the teeth are all clean.
Then proceed with the maintenance program.
Every pet has a different chemistry & their maintenance schedule will vary.
After the initial cleaning, space out the treatments gradually, until you find the necessary
frequency for your pet. Some pets will require daily treatment while others may require less often.
If the tartar comes back increase the frequency.
Distilled water, Ethyl alcohol 25%, Lamiaceae and Rosaceae.
Each bottle contains approximately 240 sprays.