Comfort Zone with Feliway Stress Reducing Peremones Spray

$54.97 $59.97

How it works

What Are Cat Pheromones?

Pheromones emitted by animals through their skin and glands are natural chemicals that help them to communicate with others of the same species.

In mammals, the vomeronasal organ, a structure close to the nasal passage, receives these pheromone signals. When animals receive pheromone signals, there is an involuntary behavioral effect on those animals. There are many types of pheromones and different classes have different effects. Fo r instance, some serve social functions among animals, while others serve sexual functions.

Feline Facial Pheromones

Pheromones emitted by animals are natural chemicals that help them to communicate with others of the same species.

Comfort Zone® with Feliway® products mimic the feline facial pheromone that helps a cat feel at home in his environment. When your cat rubs his face on an object, or even you, he is releasing the feline facial pheromone that marks the area as familiar and safe.

When he senses this facial pheromone through the nasal passage, he recognizes it as familiar and does not feel the urge to urine mark or scratch.

    • To stop or reduce urine marking: Spray directly onto places soiled by your cat and on prominent objects that could be attractive to the cat. One depression of the nozzle should be applied daily about 4 in (10 cm) from the site and about 8 in (20 cm) from the floor. 
      Important: The use of many cleaning agents and disinfectants will increase the likelihood of urine marking by your cat. It is essential that the soiled sites are not cleaned with bleaches or detergents (or their derivatives).

    • To prevent urine marking: In order to prevent urine marking, Comfort Zone® with Feliway® Spray should be sprayed once per day on prominent objects that could be attractive to your cat.

    • To transport or familiarize your cat in a new environment: For transport in a cage, spray inside the cage approximately 20 minutes before introducing your cat. For transport in a car or other vehicle, spray 3 - 4 times around your cat’s usual place in the vehicle before placing him inside. To help your cat adapt to a new environment, repeat sprays daily on prominent objects until your cat is observed to rub his head on the sprayed areas.

    • To prevent or stop scratching: Scratching is part of territory marking. Like urine marking, scratching deposits both visible and pheromone-based territorial marks. Comfort Zone® with Feliway® Spray should be sprayed once per day on areas or surfaces that could be attractive to your cat. It is necessary to cover the whole surface scratched (about 6 sprays).


  • Analogue of Feline Facial Pheromone..................10%

  • Excipients to...................................................75 ml