Allerpet C Allergen Solution for Cats

$20.77 $24.87

Cats generally cause more allergy problems than any other animal because of their major allergen, Fel d1, the most potent of all pet-related allergens. Some people cannot even enter a house or apartment where a cat lives without immediately developing symptoms because of it.

Fel d1 allergens are microscopic and float freely throughout your house. This is especially so because of the central air conditioning that many persons have.  The same air is being recirculated over and over again along with the Fel d1 allergens.

The first step in trying to solve the cat allergy problem is getting rid of as many of these allergens as possible. This is where Allerpet/C or Single Solution come into play. They remove most of the allergens from your cat before they have a chance to enter into the recirculating air of your home.

Used once or twice a week, they substantially reduce the allergen quantities left on the hair to enter the environment. Coupled with the proper filtration of your air conditioner or an air purifier, the level of allergens to affect you will be dramatically reduced . . . in most instance enough to comfortably tolerate your allergy.


Allerpet/C cleanses the hair of sebaceous gland secretions (Fel d1), saliva and dander, the prime causes of allergic reactions to cats. Allerpet is non-oily and will not leave a residue on the coat to attract other allergens. It contains no fragrance. Allerpet is completely safe to use regardless of how frequently a cat licks its coat, even if it does so immediately after having used Allerpet/C

This is important because it is estimated that cats spend 30 to 40 percent of their waking time licking and grooming themselves, depositing copious amounts of saliva on their fur, which dries and then flakes off the hair to circulate throughout your house.


Allerpet/C is non-toxic and completely safe to use on kittens over the age of 8 to 10 weeks, depending upon their size.

Allerpet is easy to apply while your cat sits in your lap. Simply spread a large terry towel over your lap for the cat to sit on. Dampen a washcloth or small sponge with Allerpet/C (or Allerpet Single Solution) and lightly wipe your cat from the skin outward, first against the lay or the hair, then with it, until all areas are damp, not dripping wet, to remove sebaceous gland secretions, saliva, loose dander and urine.

If you cat has long or very thick hair, use your free hand to separate and hold down the untreated hair from the area you are wetting, to make sure you get down to the skin.

Pay special attention to the areas around the genitals where urine tends to collect and dry on the hair. No rinsing is required. Dry the hair thoroughly with a towel or hair dryer. If you cat self-cleans (licks its coat often), you may safely use Allerpet two or three times a week to remove the saliva residue.

Keeping your cat's hair tangle-free will help decrease the allergen load in your home. Combing/brushing at lease once a week will help to remove dander, foreign matter, dirt and loose dead hairs that are contaminated with dried saliva and sebacious gland secretions.